This trike now comes in two size options. The proven 20"/26" model and the new 20"/20". Both offer the most amazing cushioned ride. And both have the option of a folding hinge.
The Wild One is full of attitude, offering the ultimate rugged trike. It's fully suspended with 4" of travel and the fat tires dare anything to try to stop it.
The 20" front wheels are stronger than larger wheels, plus they provide easier handling/steering. The rear wheel size is completely the choice of the rider. The monster 4" wide fat tires allow you to use a minimum tire pressure. Added to the 4" of suspension, you'll feel like you're floating on air.
Rocks? Sand? Logs? Ho that all you can throw at it? This Wild One promises adventure for the adrenaline junkies out there and luxury for those looking for the ultimate soft ride.
MSRP $7795